Cannabis For Our Cuddly Companions

Cannibis for pets Cannabis for our Cuddly Companions

The debate over medical marijuana has been a heated one over the past several years. To some, it is immoral and simply illegal – though 23 states now have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana, and four states plus the District of Columbia have legalized recreational use. But to a growing number of people around the world, marijuana (or cannabis) is the perfect alternative to pharmaceuticals when it comes to alleviating debilitating symptoms from various ailments. With the recent attention shown to the cannabis controversy, specifically the benefits of its use, it’s relevant to consider how it may be valuable to our cuddly companions as well.

As pet owners, we know how heartbreaking it is to see our precious pet in pain. Whether due to an accident, injury, ailment or old age, knowing your pet is hurting hurts you, too. So we take Fido and Fluffy to the vet in hopes to find an answer for healing the ailment and managing the pain, which typically consists of this pill, that serum, this surgery…all typical recommendations in the medical world. Some may work, while others don’t; some may produce unpleasant side effects; others may seem like a waste of time; and most will take a large chunk out of your bank balance. But what else can we do? After all, our pets are part of our family, and we only want what’s best for them.

When chronic pain or a debilitating disease like cancer strikes, many pet parents are left with only three choices: treat their pet with medication and/or surgery and hope for the best; stand by as Fido or Fluffy suffers through the final months of his life; or guarantee he’ll be free from pain by helping him cross the Rainbow Bridge.

Fortunately, there is now a fourth option – one that is affordable, low-risk, highly effective, and gaining more and more recognition and approval in the veterinary medical field. Hemp, which comes from the same species as marijuana, is bred to contain little to no THC, the psychoactive chemical present in marijuana that results in the “high” feeling. It boasts high concentrations of the chemical Cannabidiol (CBD), found in marijuana, which has great medical properties. Though research is limited, evidence suggests CBD can improve mobility, increase appetite and reduce pain in pets who suffer from cancer or arthritis. It’s also been found CBD supplements reduce the occurrence of seizures, though the FDA has not yet made these claims official.

CBD supplements are completely legal since they don’t contain THC and can be found online at, the first company to launch the pet-friendly alternative to veterinary pharmaceuticals. Some veterinary clinics even carry the product, which is the result of seventeen years of research and development, including five years of clinical trials. The trials showed benefits in treating pets with cancer, arthritis, diabetes, digestive issues, chronic pain, nausea, and those receiving palliative care. It can also long-term as an overall wellness supplement – reducing aggression, anxiety and obesity as well as prolonging life.

No matter your view on the use of marijuana by your neighbor, child, acquaintance or friend, it will likely behoove you to be open-minded when it comes to CBD for your pet. Though the two share fundamental properties, the team at Canna-Pet have taken the best from a plant that is often used for recreational purposes and turned it into a viable benefit for your beloved pet.

As with any supplement to your pet’s diet, please follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage and instructions for use.






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