Your Pets and the Christmas — Playing It Safe

kitty in xmas tree

Christmas Time is here!  Most folks these days begin putting up their tree right after Thanksgiving.  This gives our pets plenty of time to find ways around our safety precautions, getting themselves into mischief and possible harm.  Here are several ways in which you can “Pet proof” your tree, or at least try to set up some prevention against disaster!

  1.  When decorating your tree, make sure you vacuum the area daily.  Needles fall from real trees continuously posing a threat of ingestion.  This can become a choking hazard as well as cause some internal damage from those sharp needles.
  2. Keep an eye on the ornamental hooks, ribbon and tinsel.  Again, your pet can choke, suffer internal injuries or find one of these items lodged in the digestive tract.  Try using non-breakable bulbs and ornaments such as plastic or wood.  Also make sure your placement of the items is located on the upper portion of the tree.  Your pet may be tempted to snatch some of them, mistakenly thinking they are toys for the taking!
  3. Lights around the tree are beautiful and a part of the season as well, however these can really cause some damage if your pet is too inquisitive!  Biting down on the wire can cause electric shock and even short out the bulbs or cause a fire.  Keep it a safe zone by unplugging the lights when you’re not home and when you go to sleep, especially if your pet is known for getting into things!
  4. Finally, if you have a real tree make sure you hose it down before you bring it in.  This precaution will remove the sap, some of the foreign smells and anything that may be lingering on it.  Your pet will be tempted to urinate on the tree as “it’s a tree”.  Keep it isolated in a part of your home for a day or so, allowing it to absorb the smell of your home.  This may keep it from standing out like a red wrapped present for your pet!

tree lights

We hope these tips will help keep your pet safe around the Christmas tree this year.  As always, exercise extreme caution when leaving your pet alone with the Christmas tree or any other potential hazards.  You can never be too cautious when it comes to the health and welfare of your beloved pets.


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